Friday, June 29, 2012

Dream: The Withered Tree

Last week, I attended a conference at a church where many people are having dreams and visions and I went forward to receive prayer for an increase in these areas ... more of God, right?!!! What could possibly be bad about that!?!

In one of those prayer sessions, I was told to keep a journal by the side of my bed as these giftings WOULD certainly increase and if I would be a good steward about writing things down, the gift would CONTINUE to increase.

Well, my journal has been packed away in my suitcase but last night I brought it back to the side of my bed ... and last night I had a dream ...

I dreamed I was walking along a river, praying through a list of names ... with each name, I came to a tree standing along the river bank ... as I would say the next name, I would step in front of the next tree. Many trees were hearty and strong with big, green, rubbery leaves ... very healthy.

As I named one particular gal and came before her tree, it was different ... many leaves were brown and withered, obviously not as healthy as the others. I searched for the water source and found her tree to be standing IN the water, so there was apparently plenty, as the stream was vibrant and abundant ... HOWEVER, the withered leaves had fallen off the tree and gathered at its foot and were blocking the water, like a dam. As I cleared that clog away, life returned to the tree and its leaves became green and shiny again.

Here is what He showed me about the dream ...

There are many references to trees in the Bible ... specifically to 'strong oaks' planted by the water whose roots go deep (Isaiah 61:3, Jeremiah 17:8) ... even though these trees in my dream were not Oak trees, I felt it was the same type of reference to the health of the tree being symbolic of the health of our relationship with God and living life abundantly.

The leaves on this gal's tree were withered due to hopelessness and specifically due to shattered dreams. As her dreams would fall, her leaves would fall and gather in a pile below. Interesting enough, the Holy Spirit pointed out that there was a direct relationship to her physical health and the health of the tree ... the more withered the tree, the 'tighter and shriveled' her physical body became in the natural world. I had never really thought of her in this way ... as 'tight', but that exactly describes her in so many ways ... physically, emotionally and maybe even spiritually.

The revelation to me was that we often associate lost dreams and hopes to God withholding His blessings from us (water), much like not watering a plant will CAUSE a plant's leaves to wither (trust me, I have MANY personal testimonies to this!!!) However, in this dream the truth revealed here is that His blessings and favor (the water) NEVER stop flowing... they are ABUNDANT like a river ... but because we allow these fallen dreams and disappointments to pile up (leaves), they can actually dam the water supply and clog His favor and blessings, causing even more leaves (dreams) to wither and die and fall. When we keep that clog cleared out, a floodgate of life rushes back in and our lives can receive the nourishment and life that only His Water can offer ... a thirst quenching Water (John 4:13-14) ... and our dreams and hopes will flourish again (green leaves).

Such an awesome revelation of His favor and blessing being like a river that never stops flowing!! I know this feeling of hopelessness, disappointment and broken dreams ... I've spent many years buying into the lie that God was withholding something from me ... diverting His river completely away from me, if you will ... so the revelation that this flow of His love is just being 'dammed up' by something that can be cleared out to allow His Living Water to flow freely again just healed something in my heart!! (It also helps my heart to hear David running through his endless list of 'Dam jokes' as I write :) )

Anyway ... the question I was left with was 'how do we clear the clog?!'

One thing I noted from the dream is that this gal could not do it herself ... for a couple of reasons ... first, because of the nature of the limbs, she could not see under the tree, therefore she didn't even know that the leaves had even piled up. Secondly, it was evident that she really didn't even know her tree had a problem at all ... she was just miserable and weak and withered and just going with that ... she seemed to not know that her tree COULD BE healthy and strong ... I noted that the revelation there was a problem was given to ME, not to her ... I was able to notice her leaves were withered and falling because I knew that wasn't the way these trees were supposed to look and that is what sent me searching for what was causing the issue ... withering leaves were the symptom of a problem that was not as obvious.

How many times do we see someone withering? Maybe she doesn't smile or laugh like she used to ... maybe he seems to get angry faster and stay angry longer? Maybe it's the friend whose schedule has gotten so busy lately they haven't been able to get to church for a while, or are slower to return your calls. I often see it, that's not the problem ... but so many times I just don't know what to do ... and in full transparency, sometimes I don't want something more to do :(

We have to understand that the fact that we NOTICE someone is hurting or in need is not our own revelation at all ... did you know that our sin nature makes it impossible to think of anyone outside of ourselves ... it's true ... that is what sin is ... if we are thinking of anyone other than ourselves, that is the Holy Spirit working inside of us, prompting us ... and we have a choice ...

Step 1 to clearing the clog: GO DEEPER ... if we see someone's leaves are withering, don't just stop there with the revelation ... go deeper and help them to find the clog ... something is blocking the River of Life from his/her life and it needs to be cleared out!! The Word promises that if we seek Him, He will be found ... so if we ask, I believe He WILL reveal what the clog is!

Step 2 ... HELP CLEAR THE CLOG ... In the dream, once the problem was revealed, I didn't just tell her she had a problem ... revelation isn't ever for the purpose of just knowing ... the Holy Spirit isn't prompting us so we can just be more knowledgeable or point fingers at someone (Matthew 7:5 seems appropriate here ... in the terms of this example, clear your own darn dam first :) ) ... The Holy Spirit is intentional in all things ... so when something is revealed, our response should be 'Thank you for showing me, now what do you want me to do with this?!' Revelation is often meant to bring action, but that sometimes means we have to be willing to get messy ... I've not seen many clogs that aren't!!

Maybe it's Truth that will be needed, maybe it's accountability, maybe it's vulnerability ... I think it will probably look different with each situation, but what I remember from the dream was that there was an abundant amount of love and compassion for this gal as I got down on my knees and helped clean up the mess. I don't remember any profound truth that came out or was shared ... I just remember the fact that I SAW the withered leaves and I WENT LOOKING for the problem and WAS WILLING to get messy ... those facts alone seemed to touch her profoundly and new leaves immediately started to appear.

I don't know ... maybe I COULD get into this gardening thing ... I always believed it would take a miracle to turn these black thumbs, green ... but apparently His miracles (as well as His favor and blessings) are abundant and ever-flowing ... and on the move, I might add!! More of the Lord, right?!?

What could possibly be bad about that?!!

Isaiah 61:3 'They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor.

James 5:19-20 My brothers and sisters, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring that person back, remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins.

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